Articles on: WaiverSign

How to redirect your Waiver to another website

WaiverSign makes it easy to redirect your customers back to your website after they have signed a document.

To add this feature to an existing waiver, simply navigate to WaiverSign > Create & Edit Documents and then select the Waiver you'd like to edit. If you're setting up a brand new Waiver, then check out this article.

From the document editor, scroll to the bottom. Look for the checkbox that says: Redirect signers to a different URL when they click 'done'. Once this Checkbox has been enabled, you'll be able to simply paste your URL into the 'Redirect URL' text field that appears.

Now whenever someone signs your document, it will redirect them to the website you've specified. 

That's all there is to it! If you have a tablet, or QR codes already set up for your Waiver, the changes will show up on your existing Waiver as soon as you've "Saved" and "Published" your edits.

Updated on: 03/22/2024

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