Articles on: Resmark

How to set up fees for products

Fees can quickly and easily be set up during the product creation process, or by navigating to Settings > Fees

If there are fees applicable to your product, you can easily set up fees by following these steps. You have the option to select an existing fee (if you've created one before), or you can create a new fee.

New Fee:

Fee Name is the name you give your fee, it will show up throughout the app and on order confirmations.
Percentage or Flat determines if the fee is a percentage or flat amount.
Price Tiers allow you to choose if the fee is applicable to all price tiers or if it applies only to specific price tiers.
Amount is the $ or % that the will be charged to your customer.
Mode allows you to determine if the fee applies automatically or manually. Manual fees can only be applied on orders placed on the back end of RESMARK, and not on any public-facing pages.
Price Categories allows you to determine if the fee is applicable to all price categories or specific price categories.
Taxable determines if taxes will be applied to your fee.

Note: Looking to set up Taxes? Check out this article!

Updated on: 03/29/2024

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