Articles on: Resmark

How do I add a general policy to my product?

Create rules and restrictions to inform your customers of important information.

You can create general policies to set rules and restrictions for your product. Common uses for these policies include, but are not limited to:

Age restrictions
Height restrictions
Weight restrictions
Mandatory equipment
Bring your own lunch
Waiver needs to be filled out and signed before departure
Safety warnings
...and much more

You can select an existing policy to apply to your product, or create a new one.

Note: To edit or delete a general policy instead of creating a new one, you must navigate to Settings > Products > Policies. Visit this support page for more information.

Create New General Policy:

Policy Name is the name you give your general policy, it will show up throughout the app and on order confirmations.
Detail will help ensure you are clear about your policies to avoid any issues with your product that could lead to cancellations or refunds (in the zipline tour example, it could be a weight limit agreement).
Require Agreement Before Adding To Cart
Require Agreement Before Checkout
Display On Order Confirmation After Purchase

Updated on: 05/29/2024

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