Articles on: Resmark

How can I set up the date and time of my inventory in Resmark?

Set up launch dates/times for your product either on a recurring schedule or variable dates for special events. Find this in Products > Inventory


Regular Recurring Dates
Variable Dates


When setting up your product date(s) you have the following options available:

Regular Recurring Dates

If you selected regular recurring dates you can move on to the next step and set up the time

Variable Dates

Choose this option if your dates are random or there is no pattern. If you have selected variable dates, you will go to the time settings. 

Note: Start and end times can span multiple days.


If you selected Variable Dates when configuring your date, you can skip this step and go to General Settings.

When setting up product start times, choose one of the options below. 

Tours repeat several times per day

Every 30 minutes from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Hourly from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Do not repeat several times per day

Tours repeat several times per day

10:00 AM each day
10:00 AM and 2:00 PM each day
9:30 AM on Monday and 10:30 AM on Wednesday

If you selected tours do not repeat several times per day, you can skip forward to duration. If you selected tours repeat several times per day, you will set that up right now:

After setting up tours repeat several times per day, you can skip forward to on the following days. Otherwise, if you selected tours do not repeat several times per day you can move forward to the next step, duration.


If you selected tours repeat several times per day when configuring your time, you can skip to on the following days.

When setting up product duration, choose one of the options found below.

Tours start and end the same day

Lasts under 24 hours
Doesn't span into the next day
Begins Monday at noon and ends on Monday at 3:00 PM

Tours span multiple days

Lasts more than 24 hours
Spans into subsequent day(s)
Begins Monday at 9:00 AM and ends Friday at 2:00 PM

This number will impact the options in general settings.

Updated on: 04/01/2024

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